"...mūsų istorijos... jos - kaip tie spalvoti karoliukai, suverti į vieną vėrinį, o gal sujungtos į genetinę spiralę, kad nepasimestų, laikytųsi viena kitos..."
Kviečiame prisidėti prie mūsų organizacijos veiklos ir paremti ją, švenčiant 70 metų jubiliejų
Mieli mūsų Bendruomenės nariai ir draugai,
šiais metais JAV Lietuvių Bendruomenė švenčia savo 70-ies metų jubiliejų. Šiuos reikšmingus metus mūsų Bendruomenė pažymi gausybe renginių, vykstančių įvairiose valstijose, kuriuos vainikuos iškilminga šventė, vyksianti 2021 m. rugsėjo 11 d. Pasaulio lietuvių centre, Lemonte, IL. Jūsų parama mums be galo svarbi, be jos negalėsime sėkmingai priartinti prie Jūsų 70-ies metų jubiliejaus šventimo ir pasiekti mums visiems svarbių lietuvybės puoselėjimo ir išlaikymo tikslų.
Kviečiame ne tik švęsti kartu, bet ir paremti mūsų organizaciją, kurios dėka vystoma įvairi ir plati veikla: lituanistinis švietimas, mūsų unikalios kultūros puoselėjimas, visuomeninė veikla, paveldo saugojimo darbai, ryšių su Lietuva stiprinimas.
Apie galimybę praremti JAV Lietuvių Bendruomenę rasite toliau pateikiamuose galimos paramos aprašymuose.
Tikimės, kad prisidėsite prie šios ypatingos jubiliejinės mūsų visų šventės. Jei turėsite klausimų, prašome kreipkitės el. p. Nuoširdžiai dėkojame!
JAV LB 70-mečio Organizacinis komitetas
Sigita Barysienė, Žygis Janus, Inga Klimašauskienė, Laima Liutikienė, Daina Miežlaiškis, Živilė Ramašauskienė, Loreta Timukienė, Raminta Urbonavičienė
Dear Our Community Members and Friends,
This year, the Lithuanian-American Community, Inc. celebrates its 70th Anniversary. Our community will mark this special occasion with numerous community events throughout the United States, culminating in a Gala Celebration at the Lithuanian World Center in Lemont, Illinois on September 11, 2021. We have many opportunities for you to help us celebrate the ongoing efforts as well as accomplishments of Lithuanian-Americans over these past 70 years.
Your support is critical in ensuring a successful 70th Anniversary celebration and in continuing the mission of the Lithuanian-American Community, Inc – to preserve the organization’s Lithuanian legacy, heritage and cultural endowment, support Lithuanian education, foster Lithuanian youth, sports, and civic organizations, and maintain close ties with Lithuania.
Please explore our offered sponsorship opportunities below.
We hope that you will join us for this special anniversary, and please contact us at if you have any questions. Ačiū jums!
Best regards,
LAC 70th Anniversary Planning Committee
Sigita Barysienė, Žygis Janus, Inga Klimašauskienė, Laima Liutikienė, Daina Miežlaiškis, Živilė Ramašauskienė, Loreta Timukienė, Raminta Urbonavičienė
Vėliavos kelionė
"Septyni dešimtmečiai... Tūkstančiai mylių... Begalės idėjų ir darbų... Viena tauta..."
Padėk švęsti
JAV LB 70-mečio jubiliejų!
Help us Celebrate the Lithuanian American
Community’s Anniversary!
70th Anniversary Sponsor – $25,000 – 1 available
• Recognition as presenting sponsor of the film marking our
70th anniversary
• Your logo/name will be featured on our special 70th
Anniversary website (priority tier placement)
• Your logo/name will be featured in social media for 70th
Anniversary events including performances, social events, art & film openings (priority tier placement)
• Your logo/name will be featured on all materials,
including emails, invitations, programs, additional signage (priority tier placement)
• Reserved logo displaying on 70th Anniversary gift
packaging and souvenirs (priority tier placement)
• Full-page (8.5” x 11”) advertisement in the 70th
Anniversary book
• Reserved VIP seating at all 70th Anniversary performances
• Sponsorship of our 70th Anniversary Gala Celebration and Premium placement for 1 table (10 people)
• Special acknowledgement from the stage at all 70th Anniversary events
Platinum Sponsor – $10,000 – $24,999
• Your logo/name will be featured on our special 70th Anniversary website
• Your logo/name will be featured in social media for 70th Anniversary events including performances, social events, art & film openings
• Your logo/name will be featured on all materials, including emails, invitations, programs, additional signage
• Reserved logo displaying on 70th Anniversary gift packaging and souvenirs
• Full-page (8.5” x 11”) advertisement in the 70th Anniversary book
• Reserved VIP seating at all 70th Anniversary performances
• Premium placement for 8 people at our Gala Celebration
• Special acknowledgement from the stage at all 70th Anniversary events
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities for 70th Anniversary Sponsor and Platinum Level Sponsor
• Sponsorship of Fresco at the Lithuanian World Center
• Sponsorship of a museum exhibit celebrating the history of Lithuanian-Americans
• Sponsorship of Lithuanian American Film Festival
Gold Sponsor – $7,000 – $9,999
• Your logo/name will be featured on our special 70th Anniversary website
• Your logo/name will be featured in social media for 70th Anniversary events including performances, social events, art & film openings
• Your logo/name will be featured on all expression materials, including emails, invitation, program, additional signage
• Reserved logo displaying on 70th Anniversary gift packaging and souvenirs
• Half-page (4.2” x 5.5”) advertisement in the 70th Anniversary book
• Reserved VIP seating at all 70th Anniversary performances
• Premium placement for 6 people at our Gala Celebration
Silver Sponsor – $3,000 – $6,999
• Your logo/name will be featured on our special 70th Anniversary website
• Your logo/name will be featured in social media for 70th Anniversary events including performances, social events, art & film openings
• Your logo/name will be featured on all materials, including emails, invitations, programs, additional signage
• Half-page (4.2” x 5.5”) advertisement in the 70th Anniversary book
• Reserved VIP seating at all 70th Anniversary performances
• Premium placement for 4 people at our Gala Celebration
Bronze Sponsor – $1,000 – $2,999
• Your name will be featured on our special 70th Anniversary website
• Your name will be featured in social media for 70th Anniversary events including performances, social events, art & film openings
• Your name will be featured on all materials, including emails, invitations, programs, additional signage
• Quarter-page (1.2” x 3”) advertisement in the 70th Anniversary book
• Premium placement for 2 people at our Gala Celebration
Supporter – $150 – $999
• Your name will be featured on our special 70th Anniversary website and on our lists of donors in our 70th Anniversary book, as well as at 70th Anniversary events, including performances, social events, art & film openings
Ačiū mūsų 70-mečio rėmėjams!
Thank you to our sponsors!
Nerija & Linas Orentas – Gold Sponsor
Kriaučiūnas Family – Silver Sponsor
Gediminas Damašius – Bronze Sponsor
Vydūnas Youth Fund, Inc. – Bronze Sponsor
Nicolas & Rasa Mokhoff – Supporter
Rotary Club of Chicagoland – Supporter
Antanas & Dalilė Polikaičiai – Supporter
Grandis – Supporter
Dr. Edvardas & Dalia Bubnys – Supporter
Rasa Lydon – Supporter
Janina & Narimantas Udriai – Supporter
Daiva Kazlauskas – Supporter
Teresė Masionis Genys – Supporter
Vida Brazaitis – Supporter
Alexander Domanskis – Supporter
Diana Siliūnas – Supporter
Kęstutis & Astra Bileris – Supporter
Vaikų piešinių konkursas