Rules and regulations



Solidarity Dues

LAC annual solidarity dues are our witness that we consider ourselves members of the Lithuanian Community in the United States. Solidarity dues are $20 per adult (18+). If this presents a hardship for you, please contact your Chapter Chair. He or she will waive your dues and you will continue to be a member in good standing with voting rights.
Solidarity dues are disbursed as follows

  • The Chapter keeps 35%.
  • The Chapter sends 20% to the LAC Regional Office.
  • The Chapter sends 45% to the LAC National Executive Committee.

The Executive Committee, in turn, sends one-third of the US donations to the World Lithuanian Community (Pasaulio Lietuvių Bendruomenė or PLB). PLB is the umbrella for Lithuanian communities in 42 countries.
The current PLB president is Dalia Henke (Germany).

Annual special donation

Once a year, during the Celebration of Lithuanian Independence (which commemorates February 16, 1918 and March 11, 1990), we make a
special donation (separate from the solidarity dues) to support the work of the Lithuanian American Community at the national level. The
Chapters collect this special donation. The special donation can be in any amount. Those who are able to give $100 or more receive a pin of
appreciation. If you are not affiliated with a chapter, please mail your annual special donation directly to the LAC treasurer:
Lithuanian American Community, Inc.
Attention: Estera Sunelaite
Executive Committee Treasurer
P.O. Box 95
South Boston, MA 02127

You can donate via paypal:

Thank you for donating to our community!


The Lithuanian American Community Inc. is founded on the principles set forth in the 1949 Lithuanian Charter of the Supreme Committee for the Liberation of Lithuania, urging every Lithuanian to preserve and promulgate his or her cultural heritage, language and traditions and
“…to preserve the existence of the Lithuanian nation” for future generations. Strengthened by the age old struggle to live freely and  Independently in the land of their ancestors, the Lithuanian nation resolutely strives to preserve, maintain and promulgate its existence, its language, and its ethnic and national traditions, contributing to the advancement of all peoples, thus fulfilling the will of the Almighty and the destiny of free individuals. In the name of the eternal aspirations of the Lithuanian nation, we declare this Lithuanian Charter.

  1.  A nation is the natural community of individuals. No one can be forcedto cut this bond against his or her will. Lithuanians scattered throughout the world make up one unified World Lithuanian Community.
  2. An individual has the innate right to freely recognize and cultivate his or her heritage. A Lithuanian remains a Lithuanian everywhere and always. The existence of the Lithuanian nation preserved by previous generations is passed on to future generations, so that it will live forever.
  3. Language is the strongest bond of a community. The Lithuanian language is a great honor to a Lithuanian.
  4. Family is the foundation of a nation. A Lithuanian creates a Lithuanian family.
  5. National culture is the path to international recognition and interaction. Revealing the genius of a nation, a national culture adds its unique contribution to the accomplishments of all peoples. It is the duty of every Lithuanian to create the conditions for the promulgation of Lithuanian culture.
  6. The nation state is the ultimate organization of a community. National independence is a necessary condition for the preservation and development of national culture. By work, education, finance and dedication, a Lithuanian struggles to defend and preserve an Independent Lithuanian state.
  7. The hearth of national spirit (patriotism) is the school. It is the most noble of obligations for every Lithuanian to support Lithuanian education.
  8. Associations and societies are the operative supporters of ethnic culture. A Lithuanian establishes and supports religious, cultural, youth, mutual aid, professional and other organizations.
  9. Our parents’ struggles and sacrifices for the printed Lithuanian word is a testimantal obligation to all generations of the Lithuanian nation. A Lithuanian organizes and supports the printed Lithuanian word.
  10. The history of a nation is its greatest teacher. A Lithuanian honors his or her nation’s past and national customs. A Lithuanian attempts to be worthy of his or her ancestors, so as to leave a respectful pride to subsequent generations.
  11. National solidarity is the ultimate national moral. A Lithuanian cultivates national solidarity. All Lithuanians are equal children of the same nation, brothers and sisters among themselves. As a symbol of national consciousness and Lithuanian unity, every Lithuanian makes a national solidarity contribution regularly.
  12. The Lithuanian national colors are yellow, green and red; the national holiday – February 16; and the national motto – “Lithuanians we are born, Lithuanians we must remain.”
  13. A Lithuanian is loyal to his or her country of residence. A Lithuanian’s relations with others are based on brotherly love and respect for every individual’s freedom, dignity, life, health and property.