Lithuanian American Community is a non-profit organization 501(c)(3). All donations are tax exempted. For more information please reach out our vice president for finances.
You can donate using PayPal or sending a check.

Please send your checks to the treasure of Lithuanian American Community:
Lithuanian American Community, Inc.
Attention: Estera Sunelaite
Executive Committee Treasurer
P.O. Box 95
South Boston, MA 02127
Thank You!
Everyone of Lithuanian descent and their non-Lithuanian spouses belong to the Lithuanian American community (LAC). But if you wish to get more out of your heritage, join LAC. Where possible, LAC activities are conducted in Lithuanian but English-only members are welcome. In fact, LAC is looking for entrepreneurial individuals to start English-speaking sections at the local LAC chapters. You will get involved in folk dancing (and will participate in Lithuanian Folkdance Festivals, such as 2016 in Baltimore), in singing (people are still talking about the
superb 2015 LAC Lithuanian Song Festival in Chicago, IL), learning Lithuanian language and culture (subscribe to Bridges), sending your children to Lithuanian heritage summer camps, participating in sports meets, enjoying concerts and exhibits by Lithuanian artists. LAC interests are as varied as LAC members and extend across the Atlantic to Lithuania by way of civic and charitable projects. Five members of the LAC National Board of Directors travel to attend the Lithuanian Parliament-World Lithuanian Community Commission hearings in
Vilnius. So, add some Lithuanian sparkle to your American life and forge new bonds of camaraderie and friendship with others of Lithuanian descent.