Every three years, LAC elects a national Board of Directors which, in turn, elects the President of the Executive Committee. The President forms a 15 member Executive Committee, subject to Board approval, and appoints Chairs of six permanent Councils which initiate and implement projects. LAC is a constituent member of the Lithuanian World Community, an umbrella organization for the Lithuanian diaspora residing in 36 countries.
Board of Directors
- The National Board of Directors sets LAC priorities for the coming year.
- The term of office is three years; the current term is 2024-2027. Sixty of the directors are elected and 9 regional chairs serve ex-officio.
- All Lithuanians, Americans of Lithuanian descent, and non-Lithuanian spouses (18+) may vote for the Board of Directors.
- The Board session is held each year in a different location. The 2024 Board Sesion was jointly hosted in Dallas, TX.
Executive Committee
- The National Executie Committee implements the Board’s resolutions. The Board elects the President of the National Executive Committee and the President chooses his/her team for a three-year term.
- The current Executive Committee’s term is 2018-2021.
Conflict Resolution Commission
- The Conflict Resolution Commission handles problems, should they arise, at any level of LAC activity. The Chair is appointed by the Board for a three-year term and selects his/her team.

Board of directors
The National Board of Directors sets LAC priorities for the coming year. The term of office is three years; the current term is 2024-2027. Sixty of the directors are elected and 9 regional chairs serve ex-officio.
All Lithuanians, Americans of Lithuanian descent, and non-Lithuanian spouses (18+) may vote for the Board of Directors.
The Board Session is held each year in a different location. The 2024 Board Session was hosted by Dallas, TX. Chapter, the upcoming 2025 will take place in Los Angeles, CA.
List of directors
Annual meetings
Board Agendas, Resolutions, Meeting Minutes.
Documents are available in Lithuanian only.
XXIV Board of Directors meeting session. 2024, Dallas
Annual meetings
Board Agendas, Resolutions, Meeting Minutes.
Documents are available in Lithuanian only.
National Executive CommitTee

The LAC National Executive Committee is the highest executive body of the LAC.
The National Executive Committee consists of the president of the National Executive Committee, other members invited by the president and the president of the U.S. Lithuanian Youth Association or his representative. All invited members or representatives must be confirmed by the LAC National Board of Directors.
The National Executive Committee is accountable to the LAC National Board of Directors for its activities, finances, as well as for the implementation of its plans and the directives of the National Board of Directors.
Conflict Resolution Commission
The LAC Conflict Resolution Commission explains LAC Bylaws and the LAC Rules, settles misunderstandings between LAC members, responds to election complaints, and resolves any other issues pertaining to the LAC Bylaws and the LAC Rules. The LAC Conflict Resolution Commission is composed of 7 members. Upon receipt of a complaint, the Conflict Resolution Commission forwards a copy to the accused who has three weeks to respond. The Conflict Resolution Commission collects documentary and other evidence from throughout the organization to conduct an investigation of the allegations. The proceedings of the Conflict Resolution Commission are not public. Decisions of the Commission are implemented by the Presidium of the Board of Directors.
Complaints about Elections to the National Lithuanian American Community Board of Directors
Complaints associated with elections to the national Lithuanian American Community Board of Directors must be made in writing and sent to the officers of the appropriate Lithuanian American Community district. The district officers, having stated their opinion, forward the complaint to the national Election Commission within five days. The national Election Commission decides the issues in the complaint within two weeks of having received it from the district officers and informs the complainants and the district of its decision. The complainant may appeal the Election Commission’s decision within five days of receiving it to the Conflict Resolution Commission. The decision of the Conflict Resolution Commission is final. All other complaints associated with the legitimacy of a candidate must be sent to the Conflict Resolution Commission within five days after the announcement of the list of candidates to the Board of Directors.